Old World Theatre Festival
India Habitat Centre,Lodhi Road,New Delhi
Daily Platform performances at IHC
5 to 14 th December 2008
6.30 pm to 6.45 pm
(contemporary and thought-provoking social-political plays )
Durations-15 min.
By Asmita Theatre Group
By Asmita Theatre Group
Under the direction of Arvind Gaur
9911013630 (Viren Basoya) , 9868885129 (Shilpi marwaha) , 9899650509 ( Mr. Gaur)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) ROSA
in collaboration with Asmita Theatre Group presents
Anti- corruption street play
Directed by Arvind Gaur
7 th-10 th December, 2008
Various venues of Delhi