Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rajesh Kumar's Ambedkar Aur Gandhi dirct by Arvind Gaur on 9th April at IHC

On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti ,Old World Culture & Asmita Theatre presents Rajesh Kumar's "Ambedkar AUR Gandhi"
directed by Arvind Gaur
on 9th April 2010
at India Habitat Centre,Lodhi Road,New Delhi.

Actors- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar - Bajrang Bali Singh,M.K.Gandhi - Viren Basoya,Rama Bai- Shilpi Marwaha,Gayakwad -Raj Sharma,Devrao Nayak -Saurabh Pal,Kedarkar- Malay Garg,Devdas Gandhi -Pankaj Raj Yadav,Patel -Shiv Chauhan,Annie Besant -Pooja Pradaan,Malviya -Pankaj Datta,Mahadev Bhai -Tosham Aacharya,Sarojini Naidu -Vrinda Vedi/Disha Arora, Mahar-Saveree Gaur, Kakoli Gaur,Brahmin: Disha Arora,Temple Priest: Rahul Khanna
Chorus - Pankaj Raj Yadav,Shilpi Marwaha,Kakoli Gaur,Saveree Gaur,Himanshu Maggu,Irfan Khan,Shiv Chauhan,Vallari Shrivastva,Vrinda Vedi,Disha Arora,Wreicha Sharma,Shashank Sharma,Rahul Khanna,Devesh Nigam,Palak Bhutani,Suraj Singh,Pankaj Datta,Tanmay Prasad,Shalini Rai,Anish Kumar,Md. Waseem,Arvind Keshari,Tosham Aacharya,Pooja Pradaan,Ketan Kalra,Narender Thakur,Himanshu Katara,Dipesh Mohlay,Manu Chowdhay,Rahul Rai,Manoj Yadav,Sachin Saxena,Nitish,Abhay,Gaurav Mishra,Tarun,Ankit Jain,Pankaj Sandilya,Niraj,Ajay,Amit Kr. Mishra...
Poems- Avataar Singh,Paash (पाश ),Shankar Shailendra ,Bhupen Hazarika,Bob Dylan
Music by Dr.Sangeeta Gaur with musicians - Sandy , Anil Mishra & Mohit Sharma
Group Incharge ; Viren Basoya,Production : Raj Sharma and Pankaj Raj Yadav
Asmita Theatre- Celebrating 18th year of theatre movement

Tickets at Rs.200, Rs.150 & Rs.100 available at the Programme desk.

“Ambedkar aur Gandhi” is one of Asmita’s classics…Asmita’s latest presentation, young playwright Rajesh Kumar’s “Ambedkar aur Gandhi” was marked for healthy audience response both for its content and the director Gaur’s overall production design… Never before have I seen such an intelligent post-presentation discussion between the audience and the director. It just goes to show if the theme is relevant and the presentation professionally good, the audience is waiting for it...
The cast does full justice to the playwright and were true to what the director was trying to get out of them.
Bajrang Bali Singh playing Ambedkar was excellent particularly in his last speech after Gandhiji’s death.Viren Basoya’s Gandhi, calm and collected throughout and yet emotional when he says he wants to be reborn as a Harijan. In response, the audience breaks out in a non-stop applause.
Apart from the two lead players, others who stand out are Shilpi Marwah as Rama Bai, Pankaj Raj Yadav as Devdas Gandhi, Malay Garg as Kedarkar, Raj Sharma as Sadanand and Rahul Datta as Sardar Patel.
To lend colour to the presentation, there was, as usual, excellent music by Sangeeta Gaur and some popular songs that brought back old memories.
“Ambedkar aur Gandhi”, to my mind is one of Asmita’s classics and Gaur’s best-directed presentations that must be taken around the Hindi speaking States...
-ROMESH CHANDER, The Hindu (An ongoing dialogue, 21 August, 2009)

Gandhi- Ambedkar debate moved, impressed the gathering …play succeeded in arousing the audience…debate received constant applause.
- Rashtriya Sahara

Politics takes centre political play about the geopolitical and social scenario in the country in 1930’s…reveals the two extreme thinking- Gandhi and Ambedkar …relation between the two despite their differences.
- Hindustan Times (Live correspondent)

Arvind Gaur’s 64th endeavour follows its predecessors- a social and political play… political dialogues on the social concerns of the time… antithetical views and the realisation that Gandhi Ambedkar’s vision was one, but means different — form the fabric of the play…issue of untouchability and the plight of the Dalits is a significant thread expressed in the play……..
- The Hindu (Preview)

Gandhi and Ambedkar attacked caste system…to stop untouchability, terminate caste system- thought expressed lively in the debate between Gandhi and Ambedkar…arguments received constant applause…war of thoughts between Gandhi and Ambedkar stirred the audience…expresses the clash of thoughts…chorus gave the play a new height.
- Dainik Hindustan

रंगमंच पर इतिहास के दो बड़े नायकों को ज्वलंत सामाजिक सवालों पर संवाद करते, समस्याओं से भरे इतिहास के उस जटिल दौर में आगे की राह तलाशते तथा वैचारिक रूप से गुत्थम-गुत्था होते देखना एक नया अनुभव है। ऐसा ही अनुभव राजेश कुमार का नाटक 'अम्बेडकर और गाँधी ' देता है। अस्मिता थियेटर ग्रुप, नई दिल्ली ने इस नाटक का मंचन लखनऊ के संत गाडगे प्रेक्षागृह ( उत्तरप्रदेश प्रदेश संगीत नाटक हैं ) में किया जिसकी परिकल्पना व निर्देशन अरविन्द गौड़ का था।
राजेश कुमार का यह नाटक विचार प्रधान है। इसका सारा ताना-बाना बहस और संवाद पर आधारित है। चूँकि यह बहस आज भी जारी है, इसलिए यह असमाप्त संवाद है। आमतौर पर हिन्दी में संवाद पर आधारित राजनीतिक नाटकों का अभाव रहा है । अरविंद गौड़ के निर्देशन और परिकल्पना की प्रशंसा की जानी चाहिए कि उन्होंने नाटक की प्रमाणिकता की रक्षा करते हुए संवादों पर केन्द्रित इस नाटक में कथा तत्वों, गीत-संगीत व दृश्यों का बेहतर संयोजन प्रस्तुत किया जिसने नाटक को पूरा गतिमय बनाये रखा।
नाटक के दो मुख्य पात्र हैं - अम्बेडकर और गाँधी। पूरा नाटक इनके इर्द-गिर्द चलता है। नाटक में ये दोनों पात्र आज के अम्बेडकर और गाँधी, जो प्रतिमाओं में कैद हैं, से अलग हैं . न महात्मा ये हैं और न मसीहा बल्कि मनुष्य हैं जिनमें खूबियां हैं तो मानवीय दुर्बलताएं भी हैं। लेकिन आज की पीढी इन्हे ' महात्मा ' और ' मसीहा ' के रूप में ही ज्यादा जानती है क्योंकि इनका परिचय बहुत-कुछ इसी रूप में कराया गया है। यहाँ पूजा भाव अधिक है। नाटक इस इमेज को तोड़ता है और नई पीढ़ी के अन्दर इतिहास को फिर से जानने-समझने की उत्सुकता पैदा करता है। इस नाटक में अवतार सिंह पाश की कविता ‘हम लड़ेंगे साथी’, ‘सबसे खतरनाक होता है सपनों का मर जाना’, शंकर शैलेन्द्र, भूपेन हजारिका व बाॅब दायलान के गीतों का बहुत सुन्दर इस्तेमाल हुआ है। दो दर्जन से अधिक कलाकार जब इन कविताओं और गीतों के साथ कोरस प्रस्तुत करते हैं तो इतिहास और अतीत का संघर्ष दर्शकों के सामने सजीव हो उठता है। गाँधी की भूमिका में वीरेन बसाया, अम्बेडकर के रूप में बजरंग बली सिंह, रमा बाई की भूमिका में शिल्पी मारवाह के साथ करीब तीस से अधिक कलाकारों से सजे इस नाटक की संगीत रचना डा0 संगीता गौड़ ने की। - कौशल किशोर, जन संस्कृति मंच, लखनऊ की पत्रिका

Fight between the thoughts expressed brilliantly in the play…Gandhi and Ambedkar an unforgettable experience…expressed the conflicting thoughts of two political stalwarts with similar aim…
- Amar Ujaala

This religion cannot be reformed but only be rejected,” exclaims Ambedkar and declares his decision to change his religion from Hinduism, while Gandhi believes “Untouchability can be erased without disturbing the caste system.” Gandhi and his followers ask Ambedkar why changing of religion was important to him and in response Ambdekar asks Gandhi and Gandhians, why Swaraj is important to them. While Gandhi says “I will not let every village in this country be divided between touchables and untouchables,” Ambedkar cries out saying “I have no country.”- It is this kind of difference of opinions and thoughts in addressing and fighting the problems of history which takes the centre-stage in Aravind Gaur’s play AMBEDKAR AUR GANDHI, written by Rajesh Kumar.
With references made to the Poona pact, Kala Ram temple entry satyagraha, round table conference and Communal award the play unfolds the limitation of Gandhi in addressing the problem of untouchability and also his failure in attacking the root of the problem. The play also voices out the dissatisfaction in Ambedkar about the efforts put by Gandhi for the removal of untouchability. The dialogue by Ambedkar saying, “Why doesn’t Gandhi fast unto death for the cause of removal of untocuhability?” summarizes the dissatisfaction and also the dialogue saying, “Efforts of Congress to address the problem of untocuhability is like getting a new dress stitched during the festive season, every year.”
-B.A. Samvartha ('Sahil'), Research Scholar,Theater and Performance Studies, School of Arts and Aesthetics,JNU

For tickets & Details pls call- 9911013630 ,9540656537,9899650509

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Presentaion of Paash's poems on the occasion of Martyrs’ Day

Honest ,energetic and intense presentaion of Paash's poems to pay homage to Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Rajguru ,Sukhdev and Avtar Singh Paash on the occasion of Martyrs’ Day by Asmita Actors,
23 rd March at 8pm at Asmita Theatre Actors-Himanshu Maggu,Shiv Chauhan,Vrinda Vedi,Disha Arora,Rahul Khanna,Devesh Nigam,Suraj Singh,Anish Kumar,Ketan Kalra,Narender Thakur,Himanshu Katara,Dipesh Mohlay,Manu Chowdhay,Rahul Rai,Manoj Yadav,Sachin Saxena,Nitish,Abhay,Gaurav Mishra,Tarun,Ankit Jain,Pankaj Sandilya,Niraj,Ajay,Amit Kr. Mishra,Shiv Kanungo, Abhay Malhotra,,Pankaj Raj Yadav,Shilpi Marwaha,Palak Bhutani,Pankaj Datta,Arvind Keshari,Pooja Pradaan...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rajesh Kumar's "Ambedkar AUR Gandhi" at Vadodara (Gujarat)

Rajesh Kumar's "Ambedkar AUR Gandhi" directed by Arvind Gaur on 30th th March ,2010 at Vadodara (Gujarat)

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar - Bajrang Bali Singh,M.K.Gandhi - Viren Basoya,Rama Bai- Shilpi Marwaha,Gayakwad -Raj Sharma,Devrao Nayak -Saurabh Pal,Kedarkar- Malay Garg,Devdas Gandhi -Pankaj Raj Yadav,Patel -Shiv Chauhan,Annie Besant -Pooja Pradaan,Malviya -Pankaj Datta,Mahadev Bhai -Tosham Aacharya,Sarojini Naidu -Vrinda Vedi/Disha Arora, Mahar : Saveree Gaur, Kakoli Gaur,Brahmin: Disha Arora,Temple Priest: Rahul KhannaChorus - Pankaj Raj Yadav,Shilpi Marwaha,Kakoli Gaur,Saveree Gaur,Himanshu Maggu,Irfan Khan,Shiv Chauhan,Vallari Shrivastva,Vrinda Vedi,Disha Arora,Wreicha Sharma,Shashank Sharma,Rahul Khanna,Devesh Nigam,Palak Bhutani,Suraj Singh,Pankaj Datta,Tanmay Prasad,Shalini Rai,Anish Kumar,Md. Waseem,Arvind Keshari,Tosham Aacharya,Pooja Pradaan,Ketan Kalra,Narender Thakur,Himanshu Katara,Dipesh Mohlay,Manu Chowdhay,Rahul Rai,Manoj Yadav,Sachin Saxena,Nitish,Abhay,Gaurav Mishra,Tarun,Ankit Jain,Pankaj Sandilya,Niraj,Ajay,Amit Kr. Mishra,Shiv Kanoongo ...
Poems- Avataar Singh Paash(पाश ),Shankar Shailendra ,Bhupen Hazarika,Bob Dylan '
Music by Dr.Sangeeta Gaur with musicians - Sandy , Anil Mishra & Mohit Sharma
Group Incharge ; Viren Basoya
Production : Raj Sharma and Pankaj Raj Yadav
Asmita Theatre- Celebrating 18th year of theatre movement
“Ambedkar aur Gandhi” is one of Asmita’s classics…Asmita’s latest presentation, young playwright Rajesh Kumar’s “Ambedkar aur Gandhi” was marked for healthy audience response both for its content and the director Gaur’s overall production design… Never before have I seen such an intelligent post-presentation discussion between the audience and the director. It just goes to show if the theme is relevant and the presentation professionally good, the audience is waiting for it...The cast does full justice to the playwright and were true to what the director was trying to get out of them. Bajrang Bali Singh playing Ambedkar was excellent particularly in his last speech after Gandhiji’s death.Viren Basoya’s Gandhi, calm and collected throughout and yet emotional when he says he wants to be reborn as a Harijan. In response, the audience breaks out in a non-stop applause.Apart from the two lead players, others who stand out are Shilpi Marwah as Rama Bai, Pankaj Raj Yadav as Devdas Gandhi, Malay Garg as Kedarkar, Raj Sharma as Sadanand and Rahul Datta as Sardar Patel.To lend colour to the presentation, there was, as usual, excellent music by Sangeeta Gaur and some popular songs that brought back old memories. “Ambedkar aur Gandhi”, to my mind is one of Asmita’s classics and Gaur’s best-directed presentations that must be taken around the Hindi speaking States...
-ROMESH CHANDER, The Hindu (An ongoing dialogue, 21 August, 2009)
Gandhi- Ambedkar debate moved, impressed the gathering …play succeeded in arousing the audience…debate received constant applause.
- Rashtriya Sahara
Politics takes centre political play about the geopolitical and social scenario in the country in 1930’s…reveals the two extreme thinking- Gandhi and Ambedkar …relation between the two despite their differences.
- Hindustan Times (Live correspondent)
Arvind Gaur’s 64th endeavour follows its predecessors- a social and political play… political dialogues on the social concerns of the time… antithetical views and the realisation that Gandhi Ambedkar’s vision was one, but means different — form the fabric of the play…issue of untouchability and the plight of the Dalits is a significant thread expressed in the play……..
- The Hindu (Preview)
Gandhi and Ambedkar attacked caste system…to stop untouchability, terminate caste system- thought expressed lively in the debate between Gandhi and Ambedkar…arguments received constant applause…war of thoughts between Gandhi and Ambedkar stirred the audience…expresses the clash of thoughts…chorus gave the play a new height
.- Dainik Hindustan
रंगमंच पर इतिहास के दो बड़े नायकों को ज्वलंत सामाजिक सवालों पर संवाद करते, समस्याओं से भरे इतिहास के उस जटिल दौर में आगे की राह तलाशते तथा वैचारिक रूप से गुत्थम-गुत्था होते देखना एक नया अनुभव है। ऐसा ही अनुभव राजेश कुमार का नाटक 'अम्बेडकर और गाँधी ' देता है। अस्मिता थियेटर ग्रुप, नई दिल्ली ने इस नाटक का मंचन लखनऊ के संत गाडगे प्रेक्षागृह ( उत्तरप्रदेश प्रदेश संगीत नाटक हैं ) में किया जिसकी परिकल्पना व निर्देशन अरविन्द गौड़ का था।राजेश कुमार का यह नाटक विचार प्रधान है। इसका सारा ताना-बाना बहस और संवाद पर आधारित है। चूँकि यह बहस आज भी जारी है, इसलिए यह असमाप्त संवाद है। आमतौर पर हिन्दी में संवाद पर आधारित राजनीतिक नाटकों का अभाव रहा है । अरविंद गौड़ के निर्देशन और परिकल्पना की प्रशंसा की जानी चाहिए कि उन्होंने नाटक की प्रमाणिकता की रक्षा करते हुए संवादों पर केन्द्रित इस नाटक में कथा तत्वों, गीत-संगीत व दृश्यों का बेहतर संयोजन प्रस्तुत किया जिसने नाटक को पूरा गतिमय बनाये रखा।नाटक के दो मुख्य पात्र हैं - अम्बेडकर और गाँधी। पूरा नाटक इनके इर्द-गिर्द चलता है। नाटक में ये दोनों पात्र आज के अम्बेडकर और गाँधी, जो प्रतिमाओं में कैद हैं, से अलग हैं . न महात्मा ये हैं और न मसीहा बल्कि मनुष्य हैं जिनमें खूबियां हैं तो मानवीय दुर्बलताएं भी हैं। लेकिन आज की पीढी इन्हे ' महात्मा ' और ' मसीहा ' के रूप में ही ज्यादा जानती है क्योंकि इनका परिचय बहुत-कुछ इसी रूप में कराया गया है। यहाँ पूजा भाव अधिक है। नाटक इस इमेज को तोड़ता है और नई पीढ़ी के अन्दर इतिहास को फिर से जानने-समझने की उत्सुकता पैदा करता है। इस नाटक में अवतार सिंह पाश की कविता ‘हम लड़ेंगे साथी’, ‘सबसे खतरनाक होता है सपनों का मर जाना’, शंकर शैलेन्द्र, भूपेन हजारिका व बाॅब दायलान के गीतों का बहुत सुन्दर इस्तेमाल हुआ है। दो दर्जन से अधिक कलाकार जब इन कविताओं और गीतों के साथ कोरस प्रस्तुत करते हैं तो इतिहास और अतीत का संघर्ष दर्शकों के सामने सजीव हो उठता है। गाँधी की भूमिका में वीरेन बसाया, अम्बेडकर के रूप में बजरंग बली सिंह, रमा बाई की भूमिका में शिल्पी मारवाह के साथ करीब तीस से अधिक कलाकारों से सजे इस नाटक की संगीत रचना डा0 संगीता गौड़ ने की।
- कौशल किशोर, जन संस्कृति मंच, लखनऊ की पत्रिका
Fight between the thoughts expressed brilliantly in the play…Gandhi and Ambedkar an unforgettable experience…expressed the conflicting thoughts of two political stalwarts with similar aim…
- Amar Ujaala
This religion cannot be reformed but only be rejected,” exclaims Ambedkar and declares his decision to change his religion from Hinduism, while Gandhi believes “Untouchability can be erased without disturbing the caste system.” Gandhi and his followers ask Ambedkar why changing of religion was important to him and in response Ambdekar asks Gandhi and Gandhians, why Swaraj is important to them. While Gandhi says “I will not let every village in this country be divided between touchables and untouchables,” Ambedkar cries out saying “I have no country.”- It is this kind of difference of opinions and thoughts in addressing and fighting the problems of history which takes the centre-stage in Aravind Gaur’s play AMBEDKAR AUR GANDHI, written by Rajesh Kumar.With references made to the Poona pact, Kala Ram temple entry satyagraha, round table conference and Communal award the play unfolds the limitation of Gandhi in addressing the problem of untouchability and also his failure in attacking the root of the problem. The play also voices out the dissatisfaction in Ambedkar about the efforts put by Gandhi for the removal of untouchability. The dialogue by Ambedkar saying, “Why doesn’t Gandhi fast unto death for the cause of removal of untocuhability?” summarizes the dissatisfaction and also the dialogue saying, “Efforts of Congress to address the problem of untocuhability is like getting a new dress stitched during the festive season, every year.”
-B.A. Samvartha ('Sahil'), Research Scholar,Theater and Performance Studies, School of Arts and Aesthetics,JNU tickets & Details pls call- 9911013630 ,9540656537,

Street play on International Women's Day 8th March at IGNOUi

Street Play on domestic help-"Naukarani"directed by Arvind Gaur
on International Women's Day
at IGNOUi, EMPC laws
Actors- Pankaj Raj Yadav,Shilpi Marwaha,Shiv Chauhan, Disha Arora,Saurab Pal,Pooja Pradaan,Rahul Khanna, Himansu Maggu,Palak Bhutani,Anish Kumar,Devesh Nigam,Ketan Kalra,Narendra Thakur,Suraj Singh,Himansu Katara,Manu Chaudhary,Arvind Keshari,Pankaj Shandilya,Dipesh Mohlay,Rahul Rai,Manoj Yadav,Sachin Saxena,Nitish,
Gaurav Mishra,Tarun,Pankaj Datta,Abhay,Tarun, Ankit Jain...
Special thanks to ILO,Asmita Alumini and IGNOUi

Street play on International Women's Day at WSDC ,Delhi University

Street Play on domestic help-"Naukarani" directed by Arvind Gaur
on International Women's Day 8th March
at Women's study and development Centre,Delhi University.
The play focuses on the need of decent work for domestic workers specially women.The play opens with a song ending in a marketplace of domestic girls. It shows a contractor trying to sell various categories of Girls(domestic workers) and charging extra amount to evade the verification process.
The focus of the scene is the lack of any legislation covering domestic workers, which makes it easy to flout and buy any rules relating to them.Then the play highlights how the virtually nameless and faceless class of domestic workers is bereft of all minimum conditions of work stipulated by Law such as maternity benefits, sick leaves etc. It also draws attention to child labor.Finally the play brings to light the sexual abuse ,domestic violence ,discrimination and issue of trafficing etc of female workers and how even the police generally sides with the richer and the more influential party - the employer. The play ends on a high note putting forth some startling facts relating to domestic workers and their living conditions and thus opening up various planes of discussion.
Actors-Pankaj Raj Yadav,Shilpi Marwaha,Shiv Chauhan, Disha Arora,Saurab Pal,Pooja Pradaan,Rahul Khanna, Himansu Maggu,Palak Bhutani,Anish Kumar,Devesh Nigam,Ketan Kalra,Narendra Thakur,Suraj Singh,Himansu Katara,Manu Chaudhary,Arvind Keshari,Pankaj Shandilya,Dipesh Mohlay,Rahul Rai,Manoj Yadav,Sachin Saxena,Nitish,Gaurav Mishra,Tarun,Pankaj Datta,Abhay,Tarun,Shiv Kanoongo,Ankit Jain...For Details pls call-9911013630 ,9540656537,9899650509
Special thanks to ILO and Women's study and development Centre,Delhi University

Domestic Help Street Play at Miranda House on 11th March

Street Play on domestic help directed by Arvind Gaur
at Delhi University,Miranda House College,North Campus.
The play focuses on the need of decent work for domestic workers specially women.The play opens with a song ending in a marketplace of domestic girls. It shows a contractor trying to sell various categories of Girls(domestic workers ) and charging extra amount to evade the verification process. The focus of the scene is the lack of any legislation covering domestic workers, which makes it easy to flout and buy any rules relating to them.Then the play highlights how the virtually nameless and faceless class of domestic workers is bereft of all minimum conditions of work stipulated by Law such as maternity benefits, sick leaves etc. It also draws attention to child labor.Finally the play brings to light the sexual abuse ,domestic violence ,discrimination and issue of trafficing etc of female workers and how even the police generally sides with the richer and the more influential party - the employer.
The play ends on a high note putting forth some startling facts relating to domestic workers and their living conditions and thus opening up various planes of discussion.
Pankaj Raj Yadav,Shilpi Marwaha,Shiv Chauhan, Disha Arora,Saurabh Pal,Pooja Pradaan,Rahul Khanna, Himansu Maggu,Palak Bhutani,Anish Kumar,Devesh Nigam,Ketan Kalra,Narendra Thakur,Suraj Singh,Himanshu Katara,Manu Chaudhary,Arvind Keshari,Pankaj Shandilya,Dipesh Mohlay,Rahul Rai,Manoj Yadav,Sachin Saxena,Nitish,Gaurav Mishra,Tarun,Pankaj Datta,Abhay,Tarun,Shiv Kanungo.
For Details pls call- 9540656537,9958793683,9899650509
Special thanks to ILO

Domestic Help Street Play by Asmita theatre at KNC on 10th March

Street Play on domestic help
directed by Arvind Gaur
at Delhi University,Kamla Nehru College.
10th March, 2010 at 11.45am
The play focuses on the need of decent work for domestic workers specially women.The play opens with a song ending in a marketplace of domestic girls. It shows a contractor trying to sell various categories of Girls(domestic workers ) and charging extra amount to evade the verification process.
The focus of the scene is the lack of any legislation covering domestic workers, which makes it easy to flout and buy any rules relating to them.Then the play highlights how the virtually nameless and faceless class of domestic workers is bereft of all minimum conditions of work stipulated by Law such as maternity benefits, sick leaves etc. It also draws attention to child labor.Finally the play brings to light the sexual abuse ,domestic violence ,discrimination and issue of trafficing etc of female workers and how even the police generally sides with the richer and the more influential party - the employer. The play ends on a high note putting forth some startling facts relating to domestic workers and their living conditions and thus opening up various planes of discussion.
Actors-Pankaj Raj Yadav,Shilpi Marwaha,Shiv Chauhan, Disha Arora,Saurabh Pal,Pooja Pradaan,Rahul Khanna, Himansu Maggu,Palak Bhutani,Anish Kumar,Devesh Nigam,Ketan Kalra,Narendra Thakur,Suraj Singh,Himanshu Katara,Manu Chaudhary,Arvind Keshari,Pankaj Shandilya,Dipesh Mohlay,Rahul Rai,Manoj Yadav,Sachin Saxena,Nitish,Gaurav Mishra,Tarun,Pankaj Datta,Abhay,Tarun,Shiv Kanungo.
For Details pls call- 9540656537,9958793683,9899650509
Asmita Theatre Group
ASMITA, one of the leading Hindi theatre groups in the country stands committed to aesthetically innovative and socially relevant theatre. Since its inception in 1993, ASMITA has carved a niche for itself in the Indian theatre scene by staging plays of varied socio-political interest while not losing out mass appeal. The group takes up contemporary issues to underline the contours of our time while providing the best of entertainment.
The group has 62 productions to its credit and on an average has been performing for about 60 nights a year. All these plays have been directed by ASMITA's Resident Director Arvind Gaur. For ASMITA, theatre has a purpose of awakening the audience to contemporary issues and creating a dialogue on prevailing social problems. Asmita Theatre group is also involved in street Theatre Movement. Group has performed dozens of street plays on different Socio-political issues.
Special thanks to ILO : The International Labour Organization (ILO) is devoted to advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. Its main aims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue in handling work-related issues.In promoting social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, the organization continues to pursue its founding mission that labour peace is essential to prosperity. Today, the ILO helps advance the creation of decent jobs and the kinds of economic and working conditions that give working people and business people a stake in lasting peace, prosperity and progress.

Street play"Garbage" by Asmita theatre

Street play Garbage by Asmita theatre
(Let's do it! Delhi) at 1pm -2 pm
at Bhikaji Cama Place.
2 shows at Lunch time.
Actors-Shiv Chauhan, Disha Arora,Saurab Pal,Rahul Khanna, Himansu Maggu,Palak Bhutani,,Pankaj Raj Yadav,Anish Kumar,Devesh Nigam,Ketan Kalra,Narendra Thakur,Suraj Singh,Himansu Katara,Manu Chaudhary,Arvind Keshari,Pankaj Shandilya,Dipesh Mohlay,Rahul Rai,Manoj Yadav,Sachin Saxena,Nitish,Gaurav Mishra,Tarun,Pankaj Datta,Abhay,Tarun,Ankit Jain,Pooja Pradaan, Shilpi Marwaha,Shiv Kanoongo...
For details pls contact -9958793683 (Shiv),9540656537(Shilpi), 9811935111(Disha)
About the Play "Garbage" - synopsis
The play focuses on the need for basic civic sense in our country. This street play "Garbage " is a part of an initiative taken by -" Let’s Do It! Delhi ’" which is a small group of residents who passionately believe that together we can make a difference and presented by ‘Asmita Theatre Group’ which is one of the leading Hindi theatre groups in the country and stands committed to aesthetically innovative and socially relevant theatre .Civic sense is nothing but social ethics. It is belief in hygiene, respect for other members of society, and human behaviour.
It is consideration by the people for the unspoken norms of society. A lot of people assume that civic sense is just about keeping the roads, streets and public property clean. But civic sense is more than that; it has to do with law-abiding, respect for fellow men and maintaining decorum in public places.Civic sense, or rather the lack of it, is a topic that has been widely discussed and argued in India. Somehow, most Indians do not care much for civic sense. And this attitude is prevalent across all sections of society. We people today are so driven towards our personal goals that civic sense as an ethic has become a low priority, almost a nuisance for us. We don’t realise that this sort of attitude is not going to harm anyone else but “US” only. Civic sense has dropped to an all-time low in recent years, as is rather obvious from the current state of society.Being inconsiderate towards fellow society members will only come right back at us. We have to be social, mature and unbiased when it comes to situations in public.
The current state of public transport, for example, is disheartening. And we have no one to blame but “ourselves” for this condition. There are spit marks, urine, vulgar graffiti, random garbage and overflowing sewers at every nook and corner of India. NO city in this country has managed to fight the menace. It is easy to pin everything on the government, but people must first question themselves and their own civic sense. Roads are not dirty because nobody cleaned it, but because somebody dirtied it in the first place.Using 'everybody does it' and ‘what difference can I alone make’ is an excuse and only an excuse. The action has to start from US only. If every individual does his or her own bit, he or she can definitely make a huge difference and can lead to change. India has really diverse people and the need of the hour is general civic sense.And thus we as socially responsible theatre actors are taking a step forward towards this goal through the medium of relevant theatre. So join us in this social initiative and be the change you want to see as we believe that if we all do this together, we will definitely succeed.
About Let's do it! Delhi
We are a small group of Delhi residents who passionately believe that together we can make a difference. On May 3rd, 2008 Estonia lifted 10000 tons of garbage in 5 hours and cleaned a country. Estonia is 30 times bigger than Delhi and has 9 times less people so Delhi is 270 times more densely populated than Estonia. Our challenge will be different but there is a lot the cities and countries of the world can learn from each other and we hope that Delhi will benefit from and contribute to the Lets Do it World Movement.
For Details pls call- 9911013630 ,9540656537,9899650509